Saturday, September 26, 2015


          One of the most successful advertisements here in the Philippines is the 2015 television commercial of Ariel. This commercial became a hit in the Philippines just days after being released. This commercial features Filipino mothers washing some clothes with Ariel Swakto Pack. Ariel is known for being a "high-end" brand, with a high cost products. For this advertisement, they used a strategy that removed the focus of the viewers on the pricyness of the detergent. What they did is that they highlighted the Ariel Swakto Pack. It is repeated over and over in the tv commercial that this small pack of detergent is very affordable at the price of only 7.50 pesos. Adding to the fact that Ariel is a high-end brand, they also featured basins in the commercial (indicating the manual method of washing clothes). This can signify that they are trying to break attract the attention of possible customers from the lower class.

          The biggest asset of this advertisement is its jingle. This is the main reason why it garnered a lot of viewers. Everyday you could hear someone somewhere singing it. This is one of the propaganda techniques that they used. The colors were very bright throughout the whole commercial. The mothers were dancing and singing along to the jingle as well while doing their laundry. All of these elements give off a positive vibe to the viewers. This is a great way to attract Philippine viewers since Filipinos, in general, are cheerful and love to have a good time.

          Ariel was successful in grabbing the attention of its market. Even I sing to the jingle everyday: "Finally Ariel happened to me, 1 wash clean sa labada for just 7.50~. Up until today I still jam to it even though it doesn't show on tv anymore. This advertisement isn't lacking in any portions or field. It was carefully planned to bring out the right mix of elements in the commercial. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Share a Coke

          Coca-cola is the most popular and biggest-selling soft drink in history, as well as the best known brand in the world. It is one of the leading brands when it comes to refreshments. During the summers of 2013 and 2014, Coca-Cola made a splash when they swapped their famous logo with ordinary people's names. "Share a Coke" is a campaign that capitalizes the global trend of self-expression and sharing, but in an emotional way. The brand used personal names to purposefully make invitations more about giving a Coke to someone else rather than keeping it to yourself. It is a great success in many countries, including the Philippines. Coca-Cola Philippines has released the most popular Pinoy nicknames, terms of endearment, and group names on personalized Coca-Cola products for a more fun and personal way of sharing a Coke. You can see Coke bottles with personal names everywhere in the Philippines.

          Above is one of the print ads that Coca-Cola Philippines has released. This media of advertisement is very refreshing to the eyes, just like the drink itself. The fact that they used a plain white background underneath the distinguishable color of red is very neat ad nice to look at. The layout of the ad media is really simple, but it contrasts with the image of the "Share a Coke" bottles. The propaganda techniques present in this advertisement are snob appeal and transfer or emotional appeal. This advertisement is both a product and an institutional advertisement. It is an advocacy; it encourages and tells people to share their love and emotions with others. Coke wants us to be able to show our appreciation to people who make us happy. 

          Coca-Cola's great idea has pulled them a lot of money in. It has also given us a wonderful chance to share our love with other people and to spread happiness as well. The hype that this concept has caused is one of the things that has determined its success. It has brought us back to childhood, even getting excited at the sight of our very own names on bottle or can of Coke. It feels very special. Coca-Cola knows just how to advertise their products.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Busog Lusog

          "Breakfast time, ganito na lang lagi. Nandiyan sila, pero parang hindi~". This line is recognizable from one of the most recent commercials by Nestle Philippines. Bear Brand Busog Lusog is an improved product of Nestle Philippines. It claims to have 2x more flakes and milk than their previous formulation. This statement is also very convincing, considering the techniques that were used to make it more appealing. In my opinion, this television commercial attracts much attention and interest from the audience. I think it's safe to say that this particular ad was successful in attaining the desired results of the brand's objectives.

          What makes this advertisement stand out from the others is its unique concept. I think that the art of concealment was a brilliant idea to incorporate in the tv commercial. When I first saw this commercial, I didn't realize that there were other casts in the background aside from the woman singing. The other casts a.k.a family members, were disguised as ordinary household items. One was camouflaged as an aquarium with fishes, the other one as a dining cloth, one was a curtain, and the father could be mistaken for a sofa. There was even their pet dog which looked perfectly like a floor rug. When the mother took out the new Bear Brand Busog Lusog, the concealed characters immediately came out and it amused me so much. This advertisement makes use of logical appeal, glittering generalization, and card stacking as its propaganda technique. It gives off a very positive feeling to the viewers. Overall, this is a great advertisement.

          Innovative ideas are a must to survive in the advertising industry. Just like how they did with this commercial ad, we need to come up with new ideas that can make our advertisements stand out and be successful. The whole "camouflage" idea/concept is enough to cause a hype among the audience. One should also consider and carefully plan out the type of advertisement and propaganda techniques he/she would use in his/her media projects. This is one step to ensure the success of your advertisements. 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Creative Ads (Advertising assignment)

          "Saan ka na?" "Malapit na." This is definitely a common lie in the Philippines. One of the things that the Filipinos are known for is the "Filipino time". Filipino time simply means being late or not arriving on time. This is a very common habit of Filipinos, which is actually not good. It shows disrespect for other people's time and effort. Pizza hut, however, chose to use this issue in their Hate Late print ads. The Hate Late print ads is a series of print ads that grew into and award-winning campaign. It features phrases that depict a common scenario in the everyday lives of Filipinos.

          This series of print ads caught my attention as soon as I saw it on the internet. I personally think it's a great ad, considering it's qualities. Fist of all, though it is simple, the combination of the colors and the type style is refreshing to the eyes. The colors aren't too vivid but not too dull either. Second, the phrase used in the print advertisement sparked interest in my head. It made me wonder why such words would be used to advertise food/ a restaurant. Third, it creates desire. It made use of humor as a propaganda technique, seeing as how Filipinos understand what the 2 phrases actually mean in our culture. It also uses a slogan with "HATE LATE?" as the brand's catchphrase. Lastly, their print ad made me want to order my favorite Pizza from them. The "Near na" & "Layo pa" phrases made me think of how annoyed I would be if I was hungry and was waiting for food that was an hour late but the Hate Late catchphrase quickly lured me in because I was sure that the pizza parlor wouldn't let me down with their advertisement.

          I think Pizza hut did a great job with their promotions. This advertisement has the right mix of elements that makes it appealing to the audience. It is a humorous appeal that will immediately catch the attention of the target audience. I believe that Pizza hut will gain more customers craving for their awesome pizzas. Here are a few more print ads in the series:

Friday, August 21, 2015

Different times, same love


          "Times may change, but a mother's love is timeless." One of the greatest advertisements I've seen on Philippine television is the 2015 Mother's Day commercial from/of Nido. This particular commercial shows the love of a mother for her child. It has a very heart-warming story that shows how a mother understands and tries to be patient for her child. The story shows why our moms will always be #1. It has a very strong sense of appeal that will make the audience want to watch it over and over. I personally think Nido did a great job with their advertisement. All the elements came together well. This commercial exceeded my expectations. It caught my attention once I saw it on TV.

          Since a lot of Filipinos have televisions in their homes, I think it was a great idea that they chose to create a commercial rather than a print/ billboard for this advertisement. The elements and technicalities of the commercial were a great mix. The way they were brought together was brilliant. I liked how the colors and the camera angles in this commercial were colorful and playful, just like a child. Basically every scene in the commercial was splashed with colors. This can be seen in the different rooms of the house, the furniture, the park, and even the clothes of the cast! The camera angles were satisfying to watch too. The best part of the commercial, however, is the message. At first, the story line made it seem as though the grandmother was always dismayed because her granddaughter kept on doing mildly unpleasant things such as being picky, not showing her manners, and not listening well. In the end, it was eventually revealed that the little girl was actually the opposite. As her grandmother said, she's "polite", "imaginative", "gets along with others well", "fun to be with", and that she's "a great kid". The latter scenes also show the bond between the grandmother and her granddaughter where they exchanged love and happiness; where they created memories.

          Overall, I recommend that you watch this commercial if you haven't seen it yet. This is seriously one of the greatest commercials out there. People of all ages would enjoy watching this. The cast played their roles well. Their acting was on point and they delivered the message well. This commercial is really fun and at the same time, touching.  I didn't see any segment that was lacking in anything. This is an example of a well-made advertisement. It just shows how an advertisement can be successful with the right mix of elements. All it takes is planning and thinking carefully.


Saturday, August 15, 2015


          One of the best and well-known advertisement among Filipinos is Camella's "Bulilit" commercial. This commercial was released back in 2009. This instantly became a hit when it was released. Filipinos of all ages, all over the world, would often imitate the child actress in the said commercial. A lot of the kids would often sing the "Bulilit" song, whether the advertisement was playing or not. Bulilit, bulilit, sanay sa masikip. Kung kumilos, kumilos, ang liit-liit. The viewers were either hooked up to the song or the cute acting of the little girl. I'm guessing Camella actually had increased sales because of this commercial. There's something about the it that lures the audience in. It's something along the lines of witty and cute, it's addicting.

          One of the most striking points of this advertisement is the way that the message is conveyed. It is delivered in such way that the audience would give out a chuckle after finishing the commercial. The little girl in the commercial is seen doing her daily routine, but she appears to be restricting or limiting her body movements as she feels she is still in their old house. By the end of the commercial, while watching on the television, she takes a gander at her surroundings and slowly realizes that she is now free to move in their new house without much constriction. The song is also quite catchy, which is an important factor if you want your advertisements to be remembered by a lot of people. This will help establish the identity of the product or service being advertised. The color composition is good too, I would say it is very relaxing to the eyes and it naturally gives off the ambience of a peaceful and cozy home. I liked how the cameras were stable, the angles weren't nauseating. Overall, the well-planned flow and composition of the video helped make it convincing that it is an advertisement for housing projects. I think they were successful in attaining their objectives.

          The drastic rise of advertisements has had large-scale effects in the business industry. Advertisements have helped lure in huge amounts of sales for their respective companies. The world today is very dependent on advertisements. Innovation plays an important role in advertising. Thus, fresh ideas are needed everyday in order to ensure the success of an advertisement. Everybody has a function in the chain of advertising. If we choose to ignore advertisements, we would never get to know more about the product or service being offered. This would result to reatained (or even decreased) sales of the company. This is the very reason why an advertisement needs to be striking.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Reaching Out

          One of the constant phenomenon that prevails in this world is the development of technology. Improvement in technology causes a widespread impact on civilization. It has helped improve our way of living. The things that we use everyday, even the simplest of machineries, may be associated to the easy completion of our tasks. Technology also plays a big role in the economy. Such of these developments are used for public convenience such as medical and health care/purposes, transportation and even advertising. Advertising is the golden goose of the industry. It is the easiest and most popular way of delivering a message to an audience. Advertisements are pretty much everywhere, on humongous billboards along the streets of the city, on your favorite tv channels, and even on the internet just like a virus. Advertisements work like a public speaker, however, the right elements are needed in order to capture the attention of the audience.

          In creating an advertisement, one should consider the factors that actually matter to the viewer. This may also be what the viewer likes and dislikes. Let's say a plenty of viewers tend to catch up quite slow with fancy words, a proper solution would be using concrete words in advertisements. If the viewers find a commercial mundane then consider using lots of color and graphics on the next project to give it life. There have been lots of improvement in advertisements in terms of quality and potential over the years. I am going to use two famous commercials of Mc Donald's released in the Philippines to further explain these improvements. The first one is the "Karen" commercial which was released back in 2001.

It is evident that this commercial is grainy, having been released in a year when professional equipment for the media wasn't at its best state yet. The commercial seemed to lack life from the range of hues and limited camera angles. The voices and sounds are somehow vague too, but this commercial delivered a wonderful message of love, with "lolo" even keeping the half of his hamburger for his favorite granddaughter "Karen".

Fast forward to 2015 where new technologies keep emerging, and this is what you get. A high quality commercial of a cute little boy who keeps on pestering his dad at work to bring him home his favorite chicken from Mc Donald's. I would say that this beats the earlier commercial mentioned as it contains CLEAR voices (and background sounds), is humorous in a way, has bright colors that give it life, and plays with various angles. All of these elements has made this "Mc-Mc-Mc" commercial popular in the Philippines.

          I would like to stress out the significant difference in advertisements then and now. Having a thought on the earlier commercials discussed was quite interesting for me. It's good to see how advertisements have improved over the years. The new advertisements that are being released tend to persuade a good number of people. The present advertisements always seem to be full of spirit and life. It has become more powerful with the developing minds of special people. Commercials nowadays aren't restrained to dull colors and stiff angles. They are communicating much more than ever to the people of the world. In this world were we constantly have to adapt, we have discovered a lot of things. We have finally discovered the art of widespread communicating and it is not going to stop just yet.